OK, so here's the deal folks.
1). If
you're planning on coming to TRASH Regionals, Great
Lakes edition here in Ann Arbor, on November 4, 2000,
would you please let us know as soon as you can so we
can start getting a general idea of what we as a
program need to have ready to go.
Where do I
register. Oh, that would be on the website
<a href=http://home.earthlink.net/~mmb5/TrashRegional2000.html target=new>http://home.earthlink.net/~mmb5/TrashRegional2000.html</a>
2). Yes, you can play solo.
3). To
dispel a crazy rumor, this is NOT the toughest regional
in the country. It's no harder than any other
4). Canadians, remember, your money at
5). We will do free agent matching or at
least cross-alerting if people are looking for it.
Email me if you (or teammates) have interest but no
6). As always, if you have any questions,
please, I'm always here.
Hoping to see you all
here if you can make it. We run a fun show. We
understand if you can't, but I have to make the