Greetings from the DePauw University Competitive Knowledge Squad (DUCKS)! The following is an announcement about our upcoming tournament. WHEN: December 2, 2000 WHERE: The beautiful campus of DePauw University, Greencastle, IN WHO: Any graduate or undergraduate teams (no masters, please) This is an NAQT-style packet submission tournament (Hey, we can't do EVERYTHING!!), and the packet guidelines are pretty standard and are as follows: History 4/4 Science 4/4 Literature 4/4 Rel/Myth/Phil 3/3 Fine Arts 1/1 Geography 1/1 Social Sci 1/1 Other Academic 3/3 Pop Culture/sports 2/2 Current Events 1/1 Total 24/24 -- POWER TOSS-UPS ARE IN EFFECT -- No spelling or calculation questions. -- No FAQTP tossups. -- No ordering or multiple choice boni. -- Please be diverse within each distribution category. -- All tossups are worth 10 pts; all boni should be worth a total of 30 pts. Please have some fun with these questions -- that's why we do this anyway, right? This is an untimed tourney with 20 questions per round, and the more you can make the moderators and the competitors laugh, the more everyone will like competing. Now for the business of the tourney, the cash: Cost: Base fee: $80 Teams travelling more than 300 miles: -$10 Buzzer systems (1 per team): -$5 Additional teams -$5 Packet submitted before 11/4: -$20 Packet submitted from 11/5 to 11/11: -$10 Packet submitted 11/12 to 11/18: No penalty Packet submitted 11/19 to 11/26: +$15 Packet submitted 11/27 to 12/01: +$30 Minimum fee: $45 Any questions should be directed back to ducks_at_... . All this information and more can be found at our website at www.depauw/edu/student/orgs/ducks Hope to see all of you in December! Stan Jastrzebski '03, President, DUCKS Quiz Bowl
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