OK, I think I've found the
<a href=http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/6132/triv2.htm target=new>http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/6132/triv2.htm</a>
>From that page:
"Chekov's brother is actually
named Cooter. Yes, yes, we learned in "Day of the Dove"
that Chekov (except when under the influence of
malevolent non-corporeal alien presences) says he has no
siblings, but trust me, if Cooter Billovich Chekov was your
brother, you'd claim to be an only child too.
[At this
point, you may be beginning to understand why this is
called the "Nearly Impossible Mr. Chekov Trivia Game."
We warned you it was going to be hard. We just
didn't warn you that we were going to cheat.]"
would be mean of me to point out the irony of this
happening at a Terrapin. The moral of this story: just
because something's on the web doesn't mean it's
I have no clue where the Beatle wig thing came