First off, best of luck to all teams competing
this weekend in TRASH Regionals 2000.
onto TRASHionals 2001: A Quizbowl Oddity. The date is
set, but we're still looking for a host.
Currently, we have four nominations, which TRASH is not at
liberty to discuss. We can say though, that one of the
nominees is NOT a school.
If your school is
interested in hosting TRASHionals 2001, e-mail me at
jdinan_at_.... Please note what your school can provide as a
host (# of moderators, game officials, other
logistics, etc.). Tell us if you're near an airport, as this
will likely play a role.
If you want to
nominate a non-school to host TRASHionals 2001 (ex., the
Las Vegas strip, Branson, Bulgaria), send us an
e-mail at the above address with your proposal. With
that proposal, explain how you think the tourney could
be pulled off. We won't consider a nominee unless
it's doable.
James Dinan
Business Manager,