Even though I was tournament director of the
event in question, this response does not constitute an
official position by any entity other than I myself,
speaking as an individual.
That being
On the one hand, what the person in question said
doesn't violate any official rules or anything. Quiz bowl
has seen many, many arrogant, smarmy, and egotistical
players over the years.
But on the other, to say
something that self-servingly masturbatory -- and, I might
add, something entirely unsupported by both the
results to the time it was said and the overall results
of the day -- within conscious earshot of another
player is ludicrous and revolting. From the perspective
of the game, each player must learn to respect their
opponents; the person in question earned the embarrasments
he received. From the perspective of the individual
-- well, I wouldn't want to be around that kind of
disdain; if someone should say something like that to my
face, Heaven knows what bile they spit behind my back.
Ego trips such as that which Dorri cites tarnish the
honor and the image of the game, and the person
responsible should be thoroughly and utterly ashamed of