You might be an AC dinosaur if: * You spent one of your "very special" birthdays editing packets. * You can name over ten unsuccessful national vice-presidential candidates simply because you remember when they were running. * That sudden flash that came over you in the middle of a tight game wasn't a burst of knowledge, if you get my drift. * You run a bonus on surgical procedures or chronic illnesses because you've personally experienced at least half of them. * Your niece or nephew plays for an opposing team. * You call John Nam "The Kid". * A teammate has parents who are younger than you. * A teammate gets mistaken for YOUR kid. (Note: This actually happened to me once.) * Trash teammates all look at you expectantly when a question about silent movies comes up. * You carefully plan your henna jobs for just before out-of-town tournaments. * You just can't get over the fact that Danny Elfman is a film-score composer now. * You're very good at ACF current-events questions. * People giggle behind your back when you correctly distinguish between the Permian and Cretaceous extinctions. * In order to miss class for a tournament, you have to ask permission of a tenured associate professor who's younger than you. And, of course, the big one: ** You have bridgework and obvious crow's feet, but CBI won't let you be your team's responsible adult.
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