ZAMM_Phaedrus wrote:
> Abolishing the
Electoral College will continue > the trend of blurring
state lines and making
> that set of political
boundaries less
> meaningful. The lessening
importance of states > as individual and separate
entities can only be > a good thing for the nation.
It would also mean that what's currently happening
in Florida would instead be happening to THE ENTIRE
COUNTRY. Count me out of that.
When will the backlash hit against this news story,
against every TV report on Florida and Palm Beach and
punchcards? Maybe the rest of the country has a few days left
until the O.J.-style backlash but it hit me an hour or
so ago. G'nite.
P.P.S. It takes a long time
with something other than TV as your primary news
source to realize how worthless TV is. Here is a
correspondent saying, in essence, "we're still waiting for
what's going to happen to happen. Nothing new has come
about, so let me try to explain why I think we are where
we are." Not that newspapers are an improvement,
given the effect of press deadlines on this morning's
editions. Be thankful for the Internet.