I agree with Goodman, who said, "The one change I
would suggest is the adoption of the proportional
electoral vote as Maine and Nebraska have it. The vote in
each state is recognized with the 2 at large votes,
and each district gets a voice. It's closer to the
popular vote, but still retains insulation - and I like
the symmetry with the congressional setup. I think it
would work."
For those who happen to know the
answer, how does Maine and Nebraska decide to do this?
Obviously it's not mandated in the Constitution that a
state cannot apportion its electoral votes in this way.
I presume some state law was passed to allow Maine
and Nebraska (respectively and separately) to do
this, so I'm wondering why other states would not
consider to do this (if the politcal parties in those
states agreed to do so of course).
wondering... maybe it's not a question of amending the
Constitution so much as it would be a question of just getting
some states to pass some laws. An electoral vote per
Congressional district with the additional two votes going to
the winner of the state's popular vote.