This has little or no qb relevance. You're warned in advance. I find it problematic that many issues are being raised now. The ballot was used without incident in other elections. If it was so horrific, why was it not brought up in previous elections? Why, in fact, was it brought up when Florida suddenly became close? Where was Wexler on Tuesday afternoon? Why weren't people in Palm Beach complaining earlier? If Mfume was such in a knot about about voter fraud, why didn't he bring his complaints up until the election was in doubt on Wednesday? Why are so many Democrats now in favor of abolishing the popular vs. electoral college vote now than before the election - when it was assumed that Bush might win the popular and lose the electoral college? Uh, Bush and Gore knew the rules and theoretically campaigned based on them - football teams don't start saying that scoring should be different when they outgain the other team in yardage and lose. Why is there so much talk about Bush not having a majority when Clinton did not have it in '92 or '96? John Ashcroft couldn't camapign against a man who had just died, and he conceded after having lost a close race - no lawsuits, no whining. Who knew - maybe the Republicans have a little more compassion and than kindness than the Democrats for once. This isn't Schadenfreude (Jessie, K, Tricia - spelling help?) on my part. It does, however, sound suspiciously like sour grapes on the part of Gore. P.S. Buchanan HATES the Republican Party. And the feeling is more than mutual.
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