Well, after having a third class in two days essentially shut down and turned into a one hour, fifteen minute forum on the election, a few things have come up which may be relevant. As far as the Buchanan/Gore votes, what has been thrown around in class is that apparently, since the 1996 election, the number of registered Independent (read "potentially Buchanan") voters throughout Florida has increased tremendously. Thus, it's actually *not* inconceivable that the Buchanan votes are actually "real". According to MSNBC as of about five minutes ago, although in Florida, there *is* a precedent for no revotes, there ARE such precedents in other states. Third point/question people are now trying to figure out: just WHAT is the controlling legal authority in the case? "At what point do we stop looking under every Bush for any irregularity?" [capitalization is mine]; arguably a Freudian slip on the part of one of the MSNBC people, asking a question of a Bush Campaign person And perhaps we all at least should be thankful that had this been a country *other* than America, all those pretty Palm Beach mansions would now be cruise missile magnets, and we'd have an armored corps making its way slowly through New England :-) - Mikhail [who has come back into the real world after a month off-grid]
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