"However, those 16,000 ballots didn't make a damn
bit of difference 1996. This time, they do. And
because of that, it becomes necessary to dot all the i's
and cross all the t's. When it makes a difference, a
recount -- and most likely in this case, a revote --
becomes necessary."
Really, Kristin? I always
thought that we needed to 'always be capable of feeling .
. . any injustice committed against anyone anywhere
in the world'.
If problems do exist in any
situation, you have a right and a duty to report and work to
resolve - whether you won by a million votes or one or
whether you won the singles tourney by ten points or a
hundred. Just saying "it doesn't matter" and sweeping it
under the rug is utterly indefensible.
something's important enough to be reviewed in one situation,
it's important enough to be reviewed in all of them.