It's funny I read this right after I got off the
phone with my Uncle (a Floridian) who told me of the
same case (and assured me that he was not to blame for
this mess). ANYONE who turns in a ballot that is
punched for TWO different people is irresponsible. I
mean, cum-mon, I know that many of them are elderly
folks but if you are unsure what you are doing, ask for
help...don't just go home and then, all of a sudden the next
morning...OH SH!T, that moron won!!! -- and THEN raise hell.
Too late. Too bad. Voting, as the judge's comments in
the Nelson case Matt Bruce cited made clear, is a
serious endeavor, and is something that must be done with
care. Though I'm a little disturbed at the outcome of
the election, I still think Gore needs to nip this
whole thing in the bud, and drop all his suits once the
final tally is in (assuming he is still behind). A
gracious loser in this situation would be a salve for this
whole dang open sore of a situation.
already. It's more important the we let Bush choose his
advisors carefully, because they will have an AWFUL lot of
influence in the next administration.