Kristin: "However, those 16,000 ballots didn't make a damn bit of difference 1996. This time, they do. And because of that, it becomes necessary to dot all the i's and cross all the t's. When it makes a difference, a recount -- and most likely in this case, a revote -- becomes necessary." I find your attitude puzzling. I am certain, if we were to investigate closely enough, to find similar irregularities and problems throughout the nation. The 19.000 ballots were thrown out because the voter was unable to follow simple instructions and common sense and voted for two candidates. Four years ago 16.000 people were unable to follow simple instructions and common sense. The 3.000 ballots which seemed to go for Buchanan but were really for Gore is another issue, entirely. It may well be that the confusing design of the ballot (which seemed OK until now by the way) may have caused Buchanan to receive extra votes which he did not deserve. (Perhaps now people will learn to pay careful attention while performing their most important civic duty.) To hold a revote in PBC, Florida, alone, is an invitation to national chaos. People in large states complain constantly of the fact that a vote in Wyoming is more valuable than a vote in California. Here is a locality, that just happens to be (1) overwhelmingly Democratic, that is (2) smaller than ANY of the 50 states (and 51 if you count New Columbia) and which will be (3) determining the fate of a country. Yep, I'm moving to Palm Beach County right away. Where my vote really matters. You know Nixon could've held up the 1960 election for weeks. Seems Gore is hell-bent on doing the same thing. Perhaps a history student here (oh wait that's me) can enlighten us on the 1960 elections and the irregularities that occurred there. --regards, shawn
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