My first post was overshadowed by the pol debate
(as far as that goes - don't blame me, I voted for
the Las Vegas Freedom Party :) ), so I'm reposting
for those who might have missed it the first
TRASH will be announcing the site for
2001 in the coming weeks. We are still looking
nominations from schools and non-schools to host what
promises to be the quiz bowl event of the year, or at
least the weekend of March 30-April 1, 2001.
your school is interested in hosting TRASH, please
e-mail James Dinan at jdinan_at_.... Include in your
- School name
- # of players on your school's
quiz bowl team
- Proximity of school to airport,
hotels, rental car sites, etc.
- Logistics (available
classrooms, student union, etc.)
If you want to
recommend a "non-school" for
TRASHionals (ex. Las Vegas,
Branson, Bulgaria),
e-mail your proposal, as well as
explaining how it can be pulled off.
Bids must be
submitted to me by Sunday, November
12th, 2000, at 7pm
James Dinan
Business Manager, TRASH