Team nicknames...always a fun subject.
few of my favorites from the realm of trash
What Would Jesse Ventura Do? and When Animals Attack
Good Pets Gone Bad......Martin Sheen
(Mich.)(Trashmasters '98)
Kerry Collins School of Bartending (Penn
St. team, TRASHionals '99)
Save Me DeJeebus (Cap
Punishment 2000)
Serve The Hive, The Waffle House Rules,
and Ant Masters (TRASHionals 2000)
Arnold T.
Pants, Esq. (MIT trash team)
Gorditas! Gorditas!,
Jerry Springer's Kids and How Stella Got Her Gerbil
Back (UVA trash tournament- fall '98)
Uzbecks, they Will Never Amount to Much (Ann B. Davis
2000, sorry if I blundered a word or two
Prof. V.J. Cornucopia's Fantastic Foodmagorium and
Great American Steakery (Blasmodic _at_ OU, Feb
Ole' Genral Takeitintheface Jackson's Lagomorphic
Brimstone Circus (TRASH Regionals 2000 _at_ OU - certainly one
of the longest names I've encountered)
And of
course, my list wouldn't be complete without the Mike
Keenan Employment Agency.