NAQT's own policy is that ties as to won-loss
record following a round-robin should either be left as
ties or broken by further matches. We don't use lesser
tiebreakers, either head-to-head result or anything
point-based, if they can possibly be avoided. For SCTs, where
NAQT dictates standards and procedures more carefully,
and there are consequences at stake in the form of
ICT invitations, this is very much the policy we ask
hosts to follow. For the fall tournaments, which are
more like invitationals using NAQT questions than
events that are NAQT-run, host tournament directors
pretty much do what they want. But for NAQT's own
purposes, if four Div. II teams tied with the same 10-3
record and no further playoffs were done, we view the
results as a four-way tie for the title. If hosts need to
award a single physical trophy to one of the tied
teams, they can do so on any tiebreak basis they choose,
but it remains an unbroken tie in NAQT's
Eric Hillemann
NAQT VP for Development