--"There was too much Canadian literature, at the expense of American literature." "Too much too much hockey, at the expense of baseball." You never hear the firstc, you do hear the second. Why is that?-- Well, maybe you should hear more of the first. I was actually just going to bring this up because of the comments from Britain.... With the exception of the hockey questions (since we invented it :)), there were virtually no Canadian questions. The games I was playing had about 20 tossups read, and, say, 10 bonuses, on average (that's a huge guess, I don't really know the average), and in 14 games, there were only 3 Canadian questions as far as I remember. I guess I'm not trying to make a huge statement here; I know Quiz Bowl in general is mostly American, and there were even more American teams than Canadian teams at the Canadian tournament. But why not have more Canadian literature, for example? Or Canadian politics, or Canadian whatever. Anyway, what I'm getting at is this: Can we add Canadian content to NAQT packets? I mean, instead of having loads and loads of questions about American politics, we could just replace them with equivalent Canadian questions. Would this be an option for the Canadian Sectionals in February? (Perhaps we can have a rule stating that there must be 33% Canadian content, as long as the game is being played between 6 am and midnight :)) I should also mention, however, that we did enjoy the "Rebellion of 1837" question, if only because it was so easy :)
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