The University of Minnesota quizbowl team is pleased to announce the second Minnesota Junior Bird. Question submission is not required, all questions were written by the TD. ELIGIBILITY: The tournament is open to the following: * Teams from colleges/universities composed entirely players in their first or second year of intercollegiate quizbowl competition. (Important note: since the untimed game and ACF-style format differs so greatly from the CBI style, participation in CBI and HCASC tournaments will not be counted as previous intercollegiate experience.) * Junior or Community college teams, even if they include players with two or more years' intercollegiate experience * High school teams willing to take their chances with the above. Multiple teams may participate from the same school. FORMAT: This will be modified ACF style, with about 12 untimed rounds of 20 tossups (worth 10 pts. each) and up to 20 bonuses (worth a possible 30 pts. each.) Each tossup will have a bonus in the same category. Score an English Lit tossup, you will get to tackle an English Lit bonus. VICTORY CONDITIONS: No playoff required if one team both wins more matches than any other team and scores more points in the round robin. If no team assures itself of victory, there will be a playoff. If two teams are tied for most wins (regardless of who has most points), they will play a double round (40 TU/B), most total points wins. If three or more teams are tied for most wins, they will play a mini-round-robin among themselves, team with most wins, wins. If teams are still tied for most wins, team with most points wins. If one team has most wins and another has most total points (regardless of its won-loss record), they will play double round playoff, most total points wins. FIELD SIZE: If this gets to be a problem, we will let you know. Tentative commitments from: Carleton 2 Teams Wisconsin 2 Teams Iowa State 2 Teams Minnesota 2 Teams St. Olaf 1 Team DATE & TIME: Saturday January 20, 2001 Tentatively from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, hopefully enabling teams within a 4.5 hour drive to avoid 1 nights lodging costs. SCHEDULE: Registration will begin at 9:30 CST and the tournament will begin at 10:00 am SHARP, late teams may be subject to forfeit matches. LOCATION: University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus, building TBD. DIRECTIONS: TBD FEES: Here's the fee structure: Base fee $50 per team - $5 per working lockout buzzer system - $10 for each team after the first from the same school - $10/reader (check with TD) WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE?: The tournament director is David Levinson <mailto:levin031_at_...> -- David Levinson
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