I think we're assuming that everyone has to be in
the same bracket or group. The larger the competition
becomes, just group people differently. We can make the
number of rounds whatever we want, and if we run
mirrors, say at GW and Stanford or something, then the
host schools have no problems writing questions and
sharing them.
Also, my whole point is to get some
more teams interested in competing. I don't want to
see UIUC and Chicago keep winning all the time. This
is the whole point -- we already know those guys are
good, let's design something where they have to work,
too -- a more even playing field for everyone. This
format may also be better for younger teams (this was
designed with our team, as a young example, in mind) who
want to establish themselves somewhere and get some
experience for small cash in different areas to decide where
they're stronger or weaker. It's a learning tool,
therefore, as well.
Last, if it absolutely HAS to be
done over two days, make it Friday night/Saturday and
not Saturday/Sunday. Still, I believe this can be
avoided and a good number of matches (certainly a team's
money's worth) played on one day.
Thanks to everyone, espeically Edmund, for the quick