First, please do not get pissed off by this
suggestion I have made. It's not worth the anger, and it's
all supposed to be fun, anyway.
Second, I
agree that it's possible that we may be able to predict
the winners of these tourneys, as well. However, this
is the state of the game, and we'd have to accept it
like we do now anyway with all other
Third, again, I'd like to express no disrespect for
Chicago or UIUC's prowess -- and I'm not suggesting we
try to make them disenfranchised, just that perhaps
this promotes some more team unity, as different
players will travel and play together and the teams will
have to be constructed differently. I agree with
working hard at one format if a team wants, but if you
want to be very even-handed about it, all formats
should be given the same cadence, in my mind. I'm fully
in favor of doing the things these schools do to get
Fourth, I liked the suggestion of format. That may need
to be bantered around a bit more, as it has definite
Thanks again to everyone for ideas, comments,
editorials, diatribes, etc. :)