The University of Wisconsin College Bowl Group is pleased to announce The 14th ANNUAL ELVIS AARON PRESLEY MEMORIAL (?) ACADEMIC QUIZ TOURNAMENT that will be held at the University of Wisconsin - Madison on the weekend of Feb. 2-3, 2000. ************************************************** TOURNAMENT STRUCTURE: Whether the tournament is Friday-Saturday or Saturday-only has not been determined. If you plan to register, please include your preference, which we will take into consideration. Number of teams attending will also, of course, be a factor. As customary with the Elvis, we will be running round robin (or modified round robin, depending on the number of teams) with some sort of single elimination playoff for the top few teams. Each school may register 2 teams immediately, and may place a third team on a space-available wait-list. Eligibility will follow NAQT collegiate rules. ************************************************** FEE BREAKDOWN: Fees will be $100 base fee per team. Deductions/Penalties: Unacceptable packet: +$10 WORKING buzzer system: -$10 Game official: -$20 (plus the official gets a free swanky souvenir t-shirt; let us know sizes in advance). Packet submitted by 1/10/00: -$30 Packet submitted by 1/20/00: -$15 Packet submitted after 1/27/00: +$15/day after 1/30/00 If you cannot submit a packet, contact me about possible arrangements we can make to allow you to play. The same is true for those who cannot submit a packet before 1/27/2000 due to extenuating circumstances; we can perhaps arrange for you not to pay the late fee if we know your situation early enough. All registered teams need to submit a packet that is blind to the other teams the same school is sending. Teams on the wait list may submit a packet early to receive the appropriate discount, but will *not* be penalized for submitting packets after 1/27/00. All packets become the property of UW College Bowl Group upon submission. As always, participants get a complimentary copy of the questions after the tournament. ************************************************** RULES: Rules will generally follow NAQT format, except that games will not be timed and there will be no power tossups. Other NAQT rules about recognition and non-verbal conferring, for example will be followed. Additional modifications may be announced at the informational meeting. ************************************************** PACKET GUIDELINES: Submitted packets must consist of 27 tossups and 27 boni, as described below. Tossups are worth 10 points, and boni are worth 30 points. In these guidelines, "question" refers to "tossup or bonus". For example, out of the eight required history tossups, four must be pre-20th century. This year, we are dropping the REQUIREMENT of a Fun Question in your packet, but you are still strongly encouraged to include one. The Fun Question can be a toss-up or bonus, though bonuses tend to work best. If you want to include one, please use your imagination to make the Fun Question as interesting and bizarre as possible. This is not an invitation to write a trash packet, but to make each game have something truly out of the ordinary. Examples of past Fun Questions include having sick, twisted and disgusting subject matter (though not pornographic), strange scoring, physical activities, charades, $100,000 Pyramid, and the like; be creative!! You may (and are encouraged) to have more than one FUN question in your packet. You need not identify which is the Fun Question---if it's not obvious, it's not fun enough. The goal is to make the teams (or at least the team that didn't get the question!) and moderators laugh. There is also the chance we may have a pie-eating contest again this year, if enough teams express interest. If such a contest comes to pass, pies will be provided by the famous Norske Noo
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