(continued from previous post) ************************************************** GENERAL RULES FOR QUESTION WRITING: TOSSUPS: 1. No spelling tossups. 2. No "FAQTP..." tossups. 3. Tossups must NOT exceed 500 characters, *including* answers. 4. In general, nearly all of tossups should be answerable by at least one player in any room if read the tossups are read in their entirety. BONI: 1. Four-, five-, or six- part boni should be kept short. A "part" refers to a moderator prompt. 2. No one-part, all-or-nothing boni. 3. No boni with more than six short answers required in any combination. (i.e. FTP name the three.....; FTP name the four....; and FTP name any five of the 12.....) 4. Multiple-choice questions must have at least four possible answers (bovine, Russian aircraft manufacturer, both, or neither). 5. Boni must NOT exceed 900 characters, *including* answers. 6. Do NOT place all answers at the end of a question. 7. No more than one 30-20-10 per category. 8. In general, 20-point boni should be shorter and easier than 30-point boni. 9. Good teams should convert 50-60% of their bonus points, and well over half of all teams hearing any bonus should earn some points. TOSSUPS AND BONI: 1. Use _underscoring_ (rather than capitalization or underlining) to indicate minimally-acceptable answers. 2. Provide pronunciations for difficult/unusual words. If you use a formula of some kind in a question or answer, include a description of how the formula should be read out loud. 3. Please randomize the questions so that all questions of one category are not clumped together; also avoid tossup-bonus pairings on the same category. 4. No self-referential questions, including ones where the packet-writer's school is the answer (i.e., University of Chicago doesn't get to write about economists.... ;) ). ************************************************** QUESTION SUBMISSION: A group of UW Quiz Bowl Players will be editing this years packets, led by me, Joel Velasco, Brian Ulrich and Tournament Director Emertius Mark Zimmer. Questions may be emailed to watchorn_at_...; you can either send it as part of an email message (discouraged) or as an attachment in (order of preference) .doc, .wpd or .rtf format. Other formats may be accommodated by special arrangement. DO NOT USE TABS OR FORMATTING OF ANY KIND IN YOUR PACKET SINCE IT JUST INCREASES THE LABOR AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHER EDITING!!! If you use any non-standard characters, *please* include a description of what that character should look like. ************************************************** ACCEPTABILITY OF PACKETS: In order for a packet to be considered acceptable, at least 24 tossups and 24 boni must meet the guidelines above. The following will render a question unacceptable: -Questions that exceed length restrictions. -Questions that exceed subject guidelines (e.g., three hockey Qs -> only one counts towards the 24/24). -Poorly-written questions, or "hose" questions, intentional or not. -Questions that contain major factual errors. Minor typos and repeats between packets, however, do NOT count against a packet. If a packet is returned for editing, a $10 penalty will be assessed. **************************************************
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