The assertions you make seem to fit into two
1. QU's questions and rules stink and the national
championship format is a joke.
2. Beall has plagiarized and
fiddled with the rules to serve his own ends.
first are claims made against CBI. Most schools respond
by not participating and roundly mocking those who
I'm posting primarily, however, for the second. You
have made some very serious allegations. I've seen one
example. Given that you allege theft, plagiarism, and
favoritism, a few more seem to be in order to justify what
you're saying. Otherwise, it's just rumor or
Please remember that quizbowl is a relatively close-knit
fraternity and that allegations, whether they are true or
not, spread like wildfire. If you're going to say
something, it behooves you to make sure that you can back up
whatever you're going to say.
I'm not saying that
what you're saying is wrong, but qb has gone off on
enough tangents where posters have started clamoring for
the death penalty before the trial's over. If you
can't prove what you're saying beyond the scope of
reasonable doubt, then I'd heavily recommend waiting until
you can.