"Instead of trying to sue for minimal amounts of
money, why not simply alert as many high school students
as possible that the answers to various Questions
Unlimited competitions can be found online at the Stanford
archive? This removes the economic value of the questions
to Beall & co., and the writers aren't really giving
up anything because the questions were freely
downloadable for (non-profit) use anyway."
Once again -
it would be very worthwhile to have a lawyer weigh
in on this.
I'd like to thank Matt for
posting what I requested. However, I'd advise caution in
any mass contacts of schools - if QU does find out,
one could have a nasty little suit of slander/libel
or a cease and desist letter. In that case, whoever
does contact people had better make darn sure that he
or she can prove to a jury that the questions were
And, Rick - this is a markedly better topic than
anything involving chads.