Victoria says: <<Maybe a better solution
would be to find a high school team that's never done
well at Chip's tournaments and tip them off to the
existence of the question archive. A few nasty upset wins
might be all that's necessary to stop Chip from
plagiarizing the archive.>>
I'd rather have the
solution be that the existence of the archive be made more
public to all the high school teams. I'm not sure about
whether your scenario will produce upset wins, but having
a team win simply because it knew more questions
from the Archive isn't fair. Besides, there's more to
Chip's competitions than just knowing the answers
This whole scenario is starting to smack of "Cheaters"
(HBO movie) and some of the issues being raised at US
Academic Decathlon... but I really don't want to get into
that. If you want really f'ed up
/// etc.
P.S. On point #2, what's to stop
anyone from assuming someone's name and school to access
the archive?