DISCLAIMER -- This announcement has been plagarized. It's a rehash of last year's announcement. The Ann B. Davis 2001 -- A Trash Odyssey Popular Culture Tournament Sunday, 14 January 2001 Michigan Academic Competitions (MAC), in conjunction with Michigan Buzzer Competitions (MBC), the Midwest Collegiate Conference (MCC) and the Michigan Development Corporation (MDC), is proud to present The Ann B. Davis 2001 -- A Trash Odyssey Popular Culture Tournament to be held on Sunday, 14 January 2001 on the Central Campus of the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, the day after the Michigan MLK Memorial Academic Tournament. Previous extravaganzas have included as many as 22 teams representing. The typical round-robin round-loon with playoffs will make up the day.After the regular tournament, the theme rounds provide a chance to show off how savant you are on a particular topic. The Game Show round will return with some new surprises plus others to be turned in by participants. Submittors of a theme round receive ten dollars $7 off the tournament fee. Lunch and other assorted foodstuffs will be available throughout the day. Tournament Fees Canadian Teams are charged the par value of their funky money, but still must pay us in U$ funds. Canadian Tire Dollars or Club Zed points are not honoured. However, the tournament director will accept Crispy Crunch bars, beef flavoured Potato Crisps or Hamilton Tiger-Cat merchandise as bribes. Base Fee (US $/CDN $) $60/$40 if questions are turned in by December 9. $1/67 per day additional for questions turned in after December 9. drop dead date for packet is January 8 (and would be $90/$60) $1/67 per question for questions written by staff to bring packet up to standards Packet requirements may be found at <a href=http://www.mikeburger.com/breakdown6.html target=new>http://www.mikeburger.com/breakdown6.html</a> Discounts $5/$3.50 off for a working buzzer system (max 2) $10/$6.50 for a competent, non-playing staff member (max 3) $20/$13 penalty for a incompetent, tournament wrecking buffoon (no limit) $10/$6.50 for a specialty packet (max 1) Minimum fee: $30/$20. Teams will be expected to staff during byes. To register a team, please use the on-line form at <a href=http://www.mikeburger.com/abdregister.html target=new>http://www.mikeburger.com/abdregister.html</a> I will not recognize/remember E-mails. This and other goodies may be found at <a href=http://www.mikeburger.com/abd6.html target=new>http://www.mikeburger.com/abd6.html</a>
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