At first I was a little amused at the Beall
plagiarisms and subsequent bashing ... now, I'm highly
disturbed. And if CowboySauce or whoever he is doesn't like
it? Nyahh!
One or two I could ascribe to
desparation to pull together a complet question set. Now I
think we're up to at least half a dozen, and I'm dead
certain that there are more out there. These have been a
little too easy to find given the minimal amount of QU
material available on the net; there have just got to be
many hidden examples.
Why is the Chipster doing
this? Who the heck knows. What can we do about this? I
leave that to legal beagles better versed in this than
All I know at this point is that I'm just plain
For the record, I played the Texaco Star Academic
Challenge in Houston, TX from 1993-1995. I've met Chip and
shaken his hand. He does not have a firm handshake --
take that as you will.
Eric P.
President, Pitt Quiz Bowl