We're pleased to announce Spring Governor's School Academic Compitition version 8.0. This will take place on Saturday, March 24, 2001. The tournament is open to teams from all geographic areas. GSAC will be held at the home of the Governor's School for Government and International Studies, the Thomas Jefferson High School building, at 4100 West Grace Street, Richmond, VA. We will provide out-of-town teams with any assistance possible regarding travel and lodging arrangements. A hotel listing, directions, and other up-to-date tournament resources can be found at the tournament website, <a href=http://gsgisbob.freeservers.com/gsac.htm. target=new>http://gsgisbob.freeservers.com/gsac.htm.</a> The registration fee is $50 for the first team from a school and $40 for each additional team. There is no limit on the number of teams that maybe registered from any one school. There is a $10 discount from a schools total fee for each working buzzer system brought. Any school that brings two or more working buzzer systems will also receive a set of tournament questions for free. The questions are otherwise available for purchase: $20 for teams participating in the tournament and $25 for non-participating teams. Questions regarding registration can be sent to the Tournament Director at gsgisbobdirector_at_.... Other information and statistics from past GSACs can be found on our webpage, <a href=http://gsgisbob.freeservers.com. target=new>http://gsgisbob.freeservers.com.</a> Thanks!
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