"As for this Dem-GOP-Green match that Hayden
mentioned, did they play on the Judge (4 pedals working, 3
not, or the other way around?)?"
Short answer:
The Libertarian buzzer system, despite sounding great
in theory, never really worked right. The only
alternative was a cumbersome 60s-era model whose finickiness
resulted in one or two Democratic negs as their players
gave answers despite the fact that the Reform Party's
lights lit up.
The Republicans had problems, too,
as their main player buzzed in with "Aristotle" -
when the Greens were doing their buzzer check. During
the actual game, however, he didn't make any costly
blunders and actually got a "common experience" question
by remembering which way you should look before
crossing the street (correct answer: _BOTH_).
Greens seemed reticent to buzz in. This may have been
attributed to the fact that the buzzer system was named
Corvair and some players on the team wanted the
Democratic team to win.
I'll now quit while I'm still