The situation Samer asks about wouldn't be an
issue for NAQT since schools aren't limited at our
sectionals to one team as they are for CBCI regionals. Any
group of bona fide students enrolled at the same
institution may enter our sectionals, whether others from the
same school are entered or not, and regardless of
whether or not the teams coming from the same school
happen to be speaking to one another.
Brandeis "factions" last year did play in our sectionals,
I believe. (That's from memory, not from going back
and re-checking.) There's no cause for us to inquire
into which is more official within the school -- they
are each equally free to enter our tournament with
equal status therein, and we certainly have no
requirement that any team has to have any sort of status of
recognition by their school as a group -- just that all
members need to be enrolled there as bona fide students
under our eligibility rules.