Mike Burger wrote:
As someone who use to
draw computer maps for a living, it looks like they
took the basic
version of ArcView (the leading GIS
program), exported each state as a graphic, then pasted
it back together using PhotoShop, which will explain
the jagged borders. ... Even though I haven't
done it in nearly three years, something tells me with
an hour of effort I could do a much
better job.
Shrinking it to fit the screen would be one
Personally, I think it was merely an attempt to be cutely
artsy. The problem -- and it's a big one -- is the loss
of some of the most important information that the
map should communicate. As someone else pointed out,
trying to find New York City or Philadelphia defies the
visual acuity of most of us. It took me some minutes to
figure out what they'd done with Chicago.