Two straight February weekends with BUCB, what
could be better? (Don't answer that.)
February 3rd, BU College Bowl will hold its annual
invitational, Terrier Tussle X, at the College of Arts and
Sciences on campus. This is a packet-submission, timed
event that should serve as a good prep for the upcoming
regional tournaments. More details are available on the
web at
<a href= target=new></a>
Speaking of the upcoming regionals, BU will serve as this
year's host for the Northeast NAQT Regional the next
Saturday, February 10th. The details for that event can be
found at
<a href= target=new></a>
Base fee will be $100 for both events, with
significant discounts available. Hope to see you all in
lovely frigid Boston this February.
BU College Bowl