I am posting this message on behalf of Charlie Steinhice, who sent it to the QB list earlier this month, but has not seen it appear. The next message contains a brief announcment for ACF Detox (a trash tourney following Regionals) and directions to UTC. E-mail Charlie at charlies_at_... to register or for any questions. Or you can e-mail me at suby10_at_... This is to confirm that the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Academic Trivia Association will host ACF Southeast Regionals again this spring. ACF Southeast Regionals will be a one-day tournament on Sat., Jan. 20. Registration begins at 9 AM EST in Grote 129 (see next mess. for directions.) Announcements are at 9:45 and play begins at 10 AM. For the uninitiated: ACF Regionals will be an untimed tournament open to collegiate teams only (2-year or 4-year colleges both welcome; no restriction on eligibility as long as you're currently enrolled.) All players on a given team must be from the same college. Rounds will be 20 tossups with accompanying bonuses worth a possible 30 points each. FEES AND PACKET GUIDELINES: Here are the fees, as set by ACF, for those who hadn't seen this before. Please note that there is a reduced fee for new teams as defined and listed near the bottom of the fees: Base fee ... $75 Remaining packet deadlines: (the packet must be received by midnight CST on these dates to count forthe appropriate discount) Packet received by December 31... No penalty Packet received by January 5... +$15 Packet received by January 10... +$25 If you have not sent in a packet by Thursday, January 11, don't bother submitting one unless you've made arrangements with Subash. If you don't want to write a packet, but still want to play, you can do so by paying an extra $25 (making the base fee $100 with all other discounts in effect) Equipment discounts: -$5 per buzzer set, maximum of 2 discounts per school (though you're welcome to bring more buzzers) Moderator discounts: -$10 per competent official Multiple team discounts: -$5 for a second team, and -$10 for each team after that NOTE: Only A and B teams have to write packets; New team discounts: If your school has not played at an ACF regional tournament in the last three years, your teams do not have to write packets, and you will be charged a base fee of $55 (with the other discounts in effect). Minimum fee: Regardless of discounts, no team will be charged less than $40. Packet guidelines may be found at: <a href=http://www.inform.umd.edu/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/formatting.html target=new>http://www.inform.umd.edu/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/formatting.html</a> All packets should be sent to Subash Maddipoti at suby10_at_... in the following order of preference: 1. An MS-Word attachment 2. An RTF attachment 3. Text in the body of a message
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