TRASH (Testing Recall About Strange Happenings) is pleased to announce that the Howard Johnson Skokie will serve as one of the official hotels for 2001: A TRASHionals Odyssey, slated for March 30-April 1, 2001 at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. HoJo Skokie is located on 9333 Skokie Boulevard in Skokie, Illinois, across the street from the Old Orchard movie theatre and walking distance from the "New Old Orchard Mall." The hotel features an indoor pool, sauna, whirlpool and exercise room. It also features a complimentary full hot buffet breakfast every morning. Up to 25 rooms have been blocked off at the Hojo Skokie for March 30th and March 31st at a cost of $99/night per room. If your team would like to reserve a room(s) at HoJo Skokie, e-mail me at jdinan_at_... with the following info... -- Number of rooms you wish to reserve -- Number of nights you wish to reserve your room(s) -- Name, e-mail and phone number of contact person DO NOT CONTACT THE HOTEL TO MAKE RESERVATIONS!! TRASH will be sending a preliminary rooming list to Hojo Skokie at the end of January. In case we run out of rooms, TRASH will be booking another 10-15 rooms at a second hotel in the Evanston area next week. More info forthcoming. James Dinan Business Manager, TRASH jdinan_at_...
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