Due both to expected increased work-related
responsibilities in the new year and to the fact that I don't
expect to participate in quizbowl in any capacity by the
end of the school year, I will cease updating the
tournament list ( <a href=http://hurstrh.tripod.com/tlist.htm target=new>http://hurstrh.tripod.com/tlist.htm</a> ) and
tournament results page (
<a href=http://hurstrh.tripod.com/tresults.htm target=new>http://hurstrh.tripod.com/tresults.htm</a> ) on January 31.
If anyone is interested
in taking over and hosting these pages or any other
quizbowl- related sites that I run, please contact me and
I'll send you the HTML files. If you're interested in
web design but don't have any experience, let me know
and I'll also show you the basics of the page and how
to keep it updated.
If no one offers, all
pages that I run will not be updated after January 31.
They will be deleted from my account on June