This is a re-post of our previous announcement,
with one major change -- the moderator discount. Bring
one and we now cut $30 off the asking price. Sweet,
>DePauw, like our friends in Hawkeye-land, is pleased to
announce a one-day (Saturday) NAQT Sectional Tournament,
to be held at our campus in historic Asbury Hall on
February 10. Even as you read this, we are preparing for
the day-long extravaganza of knowledge training
moderators, scorekeepers and protest judges. We'll be ready
for you!
>If you don't feel like
travelling to the middle of nowhere (Iowa City), come to
scenic West Central Indiana and join the fun
>The fee structure is as
>Base fee: $110 ($15 cheaper than last year at
>Teams travelling more than 300 miles:
>Buzzer systems (1 per team): -$5
>Additional Teams: -$5
>Minimum fee:
>A reminder, half of all proceeds go to
>To register teams or get more information, check
>our website at
>Hope to see you in February!
Jastrzebski '03, President, DUCKS Quiz Bowl