IU Quiz Bowl announces the 1st Annual Beer and Circus Bash, to be held on the campus of Indiana University in Bloomington, IN on February 24, 2000. Staff: Though we are a new program, I have some experience running tournaments from my years at Illinois, so you can expect that the tournament will be competently run, barring the logistical snags that often plague tournaments. Structure: Depends on the number of teams, but most likely a round robin with round-robin playoff brackets. The tournament will be capped at 22 teams, should we be fortunate to get that many applications. Fees: Base fee: $100 Multiple teams from same program: -$15 for second team, third team, etc. Working buzzer system: -$5 (limit 1, unless we need extras) Competent game official: -$15 (bring as many as you like, subject to need) Packet submitted by 1/27/01: -$30 Packet submitted by 2/10/01: -$10 Packet submitted by 2/17/01: no discount, regular packet deadline Packet submitted by 2/20/01: +$10 per day late Questions will be available for the cost of photocopying them (probably around $5 or so). Diskettes of the questions will be free, although if you want one the day of the tournament please specify beforehand. Packet Difficulty: Please attempt to write packets at a comparable, but somewhat less difficult, level than ACF Regionals. When in doubt, write easier rather than harder questions--we'd like this tournament to have as broad an appeal as possible. Packet Distribution: Each packet should contain 28 tossups and 25 bonuses, to be distributed as follows: History: 6/5 Literature: 6/5 Science: 6/5 Religion/Philosophy/Mythology: 2/2 Social Science: 1/1 Fine Arts (art, architecture, film, music): 3/3 Geography: 1/1 Trash (pop culture, sports, current events): 2/2 Miscellaneous (can fall into any above category except trash): 1/1 Reasonable deviation is permitted, but please stick with the spirit of the distribution. It should also go without saying that distribution within categories is a must: If you write eleven Hemingway questions, youve wasted ten questions, as that section will be returned to you for rewriting. Furthermore, at least two-thirds of the science must consist of substantive questions about scientific conceptsthat means no more than 3 history of science or science biography. Though their main distributions are both slightly different from Beer and Circus Bash, both the 2000 Michigan MLK sub-distribution at <a href=http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/appendix2000.html target=new>http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/appendix2000.html</a> and the ACF Question Writers Supplement at <a href=http://www.inform.umd.edu/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/writers.html target=new>http://www.inform.umd.edu/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/writers.html</a> are useful guides. Use your common sense as to what is and is not acceptableno spelling or FAQTP, of course; even though this is modified ACF, we still have standards to uphold. Registration: Respond to this message ASAP. Registrations will be accepted until February 17, subject to regular packet deadlines. Late registrations will or will not be accepted at the tournament directors discretion. The e-mail, for those of you viewing this on Yahoo, is jehagen_at_.... Hope to see you all next month. Jerry Hagen IU Quiz Bowl
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