The University of Oklahoma will "proudly" host
The Blasmotic Popular Culture Experience Two on
January 27, 2001 on the campus of the University of
Oklahoma. Prices will be cheap -- 40 per team, 30 with a
buzzer or playing solo, and will be open to teams from
any vocation. This is a mirror of UT-Chattanooga's
ACF Detox, so if you're playing there or sent in
questions, sorry. I'm the contact person, so let me know
you're coming at blasmo_at_.... I assure the prizes
will be as demented as last year, and the round robin
much less so. If time permits, we'll have our own
version of Charlie Steinhice's K-Tel Hell. Let me know
ASAP about entries, etc., and we'll see you there for
the madness!!!
David Murphy,
University of
Oklahoma Academic Team
P.S. The rumors that this
tournament exists solely to provide drinking money for the
Trash squad are entirely substaniated. Almost
frighteningly so...