Right, here's a memory test for everyone: who
remembers the NAQT IFT?
In the true spirit of
inefficiency that has recently cursed everything else over
here, I have *finally* got round to posting the results
and stats for the NAQT IFT Great Britain. It's only
two months late, but (in the manner of British
trains) be thankful they got there at all ;->
Basically, a bad attack of real life and a helping of
computer problems got in the way.
Just to refresh
your memories, Oxford won and came second in a rather
home town dominated affair with a distinctively
international-looking field.
To see the results and stats,
follow the link in the headline bar from
<a href=http://here.is/oxfordquiz target=new>http://here.is/oxfordquiz</a> (I would post the exact URL but I would be here
forever typing it in!). The match results and team stats
are on the first page, with ridiculously detailed
individual stats on the second.
President, Oxford University Quiz Society.