Since I am entering the final stages of editing,
I just want to make note of where I stand on
My goal in editing for repeats is to ensure that
**the same knowledge is not rewarded twice.** And by
"the same knowledge," I mean knowledge of the same
specific piece of information.
As an example, let
us assume that in the first round, the following
bonus occurs:
"Given the poem, name the poet for
the stated number of points.
[5] "The
ANSWER: Edgar Allan _Poe_ ...."
All this tells you
is that there *shouldn't* be another question at the
tournament asking you to name the author of "The Raven." It
does *NOT* eliminate the possibility of another
question on Poe, another Poe work, or even on "The Raven"
itself (provided, of course, that said question does not
mention that it was written by Poe), although it *does*
make it more unlikely.
Also, let me point out
that, by their nature, audio and visual boni are NOT
considered repeats: knowing who painted, say, the Mona Lisa
is NOT the same thing as knowing what the Mona Lisa
looks like.
OTOH, any such repetitions should
be *between* rounds only, and not within a single