My $0.02 --
I love the extra minute for
each half -- makes up for slow readers, and fast ones
will get mid 20s in.
As I am playing on a team
that could very well be of the 9-16 caliber, I think
the playoff format is cool -- could give us an extra
round or two. However, if I was on a true contending
team, one which could make the finals, that's gonna be
VERY EXHAUSTING. Potential for 23 rounds, correct (17
prelims + 3 first-round matches + 3 rounds single-elim)?
Hardcore people (of which I guess the better teams are
more often a part) should like it, but what happens if
23 rounds of nine-minute halves runs late into
Saturday night, and teams have flights to catch?
any case, I look forward to next