<<This was a huge problem at the recent MLK
tournament. Eight-minute halves and LOOONG tossups, and I, a
relatively fast moderator, averaged about 16 TU's per game
in rounds where most of them were answered. Even
Dwight didn't break 20 in some matches and that's
unheard of! That don't cut it -- make sure that your
questions are written/edited for timed rounds if you're
going to have timed rounds.>>
As someone
who edits ALL rounds as if they were going to be
timed (whether they are or not), that shouldn't be an
issue. I think the questions will be, on average, about
the same length as the average NAQT Q, and possibly a
bit shorter.
OTOH, my goal is to have 30/30
(the minimum will be 28/28) in each packet, so that as
few matches as possible end because the moderator
runs out of Qs.