>>I think we shold all boycott writing
question on Nobel prizes, as today the game of soccer (the
same game which is still responsible for 8 of the 10
biggest losses of life ever during a sporting event) was
nominated to win the 2001 Peace Prize. I've never heard of
anything so hyopcritical in my life<<
there is the fact that past, present, and future
terrorist Yassir Arafat was not only nominated but
But more relevantly, Nobel Prize questions are
boring, dry, and unoriginal. While the fact that someone
won a prize might be an acceptable passing reference
in the occasional lit question, it rarely works in
science questions, and overreliance on the names of Nobel
Prize winners is one of the biggest problems with
economics question. Peace prize recipients usually make for
good questions, but the fact that they won the prize
does not.