It had stagnated a little in the past six months, but I am please to announce that the Maize Pages are back, with four new pages, and an exciting new project in the offing. 1). The Tournament Results List: <a href= target=new></a> At the request of Hayden Hurst, I am taking over the quick listing of results for this season. This requires vigilance on your part, as I cannot be everywhere at once, believe me, I have tried. If you see red, try and fill in that blank spot. Also, if you see missing last names, also give me those. We have to know who is whom. 2). The National Champions List <a href= target=new></a> Again at Hayden request, I have taken up the mantle of the page, if giving it my obsessive color requisite. Again, incompleteness bugs the hell out of me, so go ahead and fill in those gaps, please. 3). The Packet Freelancers Classified Ads <a href= target=new></a> At the suggestion of UGA's Victoria Rubin, this page, like the Moderator Classified, allows people with services to offer to those who need them. If you want to sign up, go to the page, look it over, and send it off to me, I'll get you posted in no time. 4). The Packet Swap Meet <a href= target=new></a> This is a long requested idea by UT-Austin's Erik W. Smith, and I apologize for the failure to initiate it sooner. This should help facilitate the swapping of packets between teams. Just check the rules, which are merely stated for completeness. If they seem unfair, let's talk, I do not want to see dictatorial. And finally, the Big 5: TD Guide The brainchild of Northwestern University's Lauren Arestie, this guide, which has been worked on by a number of experienced TDs and players, will help guide young (and experienced) TDs through the rough waters of tournament direction. It will be posted soon, when a few more people get back to me. Similarly, when it is posted, people will be free to contribute their own experiences. Another project, proposed by Pitt's Matt Weiner, is suggesting a link that would show people where to find your school's academic calendar, so that teams hosting tournaments could know when people were going to be on break. If someone would be willing to do this legwork, I would not be opposed to adding this information to TMP. That's all for now, I thank all of your for your suggestions and help. Maize Pages is coming to its second anniversary stronger thanks to everyone in the community. CDB O&O, The Maize Pages
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