Another problem with Anthony's search is that by
searching for queen chistiana sweden as three separate
words as opposed to "Queen Christiana of Sweden" in
quotes as a phrase, you get tons of sites that have
nothing to do with Queen Christi(a)na of Sweden (e.g., a
site about QUEEN Elizabeth's visit to CHRISTIANA,
SWEDEN). I searched for "Queen Christiana of Sweden" as a
phrase, and instead of 304 sites, I got 12. When I
searched for "Queen Christina of Sweden", I got 760 sites,
about 63 times more sites. As a test, I also searched
for "Friedrich Nietzche" vs. "Friedrich Nietzsche".
There were 1,190 0f the incorrect spelling, and 48,300
of the correct spelling, about 41 times more. Thus,
the incorrect spelling of Nietzsche is seen more
frequently relative to it's correct spelling than Queen
Christiana appears relative to Queen Christina. I know that
has no statistical validity, but I thought it was
Steve Lawrie