Hello, all, This is just a second announcement about Elvis, to update those teams who are coming and (through copying to the qb-announce list and the Y! message board) give any last-minute additions a chance to latch on. At the moment, we have the following field: Carleton (2) Chicago (2) Iowa (1) Iowa State (1) Michigan (1) Minnesota (2) Wisconsin (2) The two Carleton teams and Iowa State have submitted packets which have been edited to something very near their final form. All other packets are pending. The deadline is this Saturday, January 27th, by midnight. However, if you can get your packet in earlier, that would certainly help the editing process. If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from submitting a packet on time, or at all, please contact me and we can talk on a case-by-case basis. At the moment, we are planning to swap packets with both the Stanford Cardinal Classic and the Terrier Tussle, which are to be held the same day as the Elvis. We may have to work a bit to get these packets to match our distribution, but, at the moment, I am planning a full double round-robin, followed by a simple playoff betweem the top teams (whether the top two, as last year, or the top four, as in other Elvises, is yet to be determined). The playoff structure is pending final approval of all the coordinators. The finals packet is being written by our own Mark Zimmer. The packet swap is another reason to submit packets promptly. The sooner we have ours, the better edited they can be before being sent to our partners. To accommodate the 20+ matches each team will get in the double round, we are still planning on a Friday/Saturday tournament. Details will follow next week, but it looks as if the tournament meeting will be at about 6:30pm Friday night, February 2nd, in Engineering Hall (where the tournament was held last year). It should end by 6pm the following day. If you have any questions or concerns, or want me to point you toward hotel information, email me at watchorn_at_.... Thanks again, and happy writing! Regards, Steve Watchorn UW-Madison Quiz Bowl
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