Jon Couture wrote:
<<which you can't
really blame on anyone because no matter what a TD does,
packs will _almost always_ be read out of order by
(Comments in the general sense here, as I was at home this
weekend, watching my Wolverines end Michigan State's
23-game unbeaten streak with a beauty of an OT
Jon, I must respectfully disagree with you on this
point because there is a very easy way around this.
Only give the moderator the next round and have them
check the round before they leave the room. Penn Bowl
makes it tricky because you have four regular sized
tournaments running at once, but with a control center for
each division, it can still but down without too many
delays. A round finishes up, you walk your old packet and
your scoresheet down to the command center, you trade
in your old packet and scoresheet, you make sure
that it is the round it's supposed to be, and you send
the moderator back out. For the extra five minutes it
may take over te course of the tournament, it
significantly reduces the possibility of sending out the wrong