<<While several of Mr. Johnson's remarks
apparently pertained more to his own team's experience than
that of the attendees in general (e.g.: low # of
tossups heard), he did raise several legitimate points.
Our organization's lack of attendance at Penn Bowl
has been based more on financial reasons than
anything else, but I recall the disappointment of our team
with the general quality of questions when we attended
in 1999. While the primary responsibility lies with
the question-writing teams, I find it hard to believe
that, of 70 submitted packs, 25 or so could not be
edited to near perfection - particularly with the
caliber of the teams attending the
(1) We did not have 70 packets. We had 35, of which
21 contained 36 TUs and 36 boni. Of those 21,
exactly THREE contained enough usable questions to be
used by themselves.
(2) All packet submission
tournaments will, by their nature, have packets that vary
significantly in difficulty. There is really no way around
(3) I'm sorry you were disappointed. But there's not
a whole lot PADT can do when you just bemoan
"general quality." If you give specific examples of what's
wrong, then maybe we can do something about it for next