Sorry about that... I press the tab key all day at work, and it's just second nature! Anyway, as I was saying.... I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who participated in Penn Bowl this year. I was really appreciative of the NICE people I got to read for. So I would like to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who played in the Hal (the best ever) bracket, for making my life a little easier ;-) Also, to everyone who worked on Penn Bowl... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I know first hand how much effort people put into this! Your efforts are not unappreciated. That said... One thing I would love to see for Penn Bowl is yes, better questions. However, while I'll admit that editing might be to blame, for me it was the decided lack of time to edit. I received the two packs I had to edit late on a Sunday evening, which means I could not print them out until Monday night (I work all day). I was supposed to hand them in on Tuesday. I repeat, I work all day. Anyone else see the problem? Well, while I would have liked to see better and quicker distribution of packs to edit, it also brings up this point: Samer did start making announcements about Penn Bowl in the FALL. Hmm. Yet a large percentage of the packs came in in the weeks before Penn Bowl. Yes, I know we're all busy... but I think there is a difference between being expected to write 10 GOOD tossups and boni in a MONTH period, and being expected to edit 40 some odd questions to perfection in 10 hours. Therefore, I propose this: for those who want better questions... send them in earlier. Also, as for buzzers: yes, it sucks that some systems don't work. I had the luck to have not one but two unfunctioning systems in my room Friday night. Luckily, all the teams that played with me were VERY understanding about it, and I don't think they have verbally spanked me for it(yet). BUT, I happen to know that buzzer systems are expensive. I happen to know that even with all the buzzers that people brought that we had nary a working backup. Hmm... what should Penn have done? Import buzzers from Alaska? Spend our entire years profit on systems? I honestly do not know. But I think that until everyone buys a new, working buzzer system, it's USELESS to complain about it. As for the size of the tournament... if you wanted a smaller tournament, then why did teams 40-60 sign up? I personally think the size is nice, it's good to see people you don't usually see during the year... and this IS a 90% free trip for the majortiy you, right? If Penn had decided to limit the field to say, 30 teams... how many teams would have been SLIGHTLY upset that they did not get to come? Well, bottom line: I had fun, although I am still suffering from the loss of my voice (I have no idea who only did 16 tossups a round.. I think I averaged over 22) and I liked the sportsmanship and manners of everyone I saw (there are, though, people that I did not see...) and hope to see you all again soon! Be well and safe all, ~ Dorri (HAL Bracket Mistress)
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