Erik wrote: "And as for the GW / Georgetown /
JHU/ Maryland thing, there were a total of nine teams
from these four schools present... add Delaware,
Virginia, Swarthmore, and Princeton to that list and you
have 17 teams, meaning that yes, there will be a lot
of them in any given bracket."
Erik, what you
neglected to say (and what is at the crux of Andy's point)
is that Maryland, Georgetown, Hopkins, GW,
Princeton, and Delaware _*A*_ were all in the same bracket,
not to mention former Maryland institution John Nam.
These are a lot of the same people and teams who play
each other on a regular basis. Obviously you should
run into some local opposition, but then some of
those should be B and C teams, not all A teams which
you are familiar with.
Personally, I would
like to have played Texas A&M instead of GW A or
Maryland A for the thritieth time over the years -- I've
never played them before.
-Adam Fine